Laserlab-Europe for a better future – Position Paper published
In a joint position paper, Laserlab-Europe highlights its integrated, cross-domain and multi-faceted approach to address the societal challenges of the Horizon Europe Missions.
Lasers are crucial tools for the way we retrieve and transmit information, and how we analyse minute or complex systems, from the interior of human cells to our global environment, with direct relevance to, for example, human health and climate change. They are also enabling the prompt creation of precise and valuable tools; light, and laser light in particular, is replacing electronics in many key technologies and provides innovations which will have a tremendous impact on European sustainable development and prosperity. Demand- and curiosity-driven laser research offer both immediate solutions and future technologies, thus strengthening European science, innovation, industry and economy.
Laserlab-Europe, a consortium of leading national laser research infrastructures, provides a unique integrated, cross-domain and multi-faceted approach to the complex scientific and technological questions inherent in today’s global societal challenges. With its extensive set of advanced laser research infrastructures, scientific expertise, innovative research and services, Laserlab-Europe addresses the scientific issues in all three Pillars of Horizon Europe. It promotes new horizons for the European Green Deal, Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and, in particular, the Horizon Europe Missions.
Link to full document.