Laboratory for nano-characterization
Main experimental techniques :
- SPM: Nano-scale topography, mechanical, electrical characterization of materials
- OSI: Optical spectroscopy and imaging at nano-scale
- SRM: Super-resolution optical microscopy.
We concentrate on co-localization of optical microscopy and spectroscopy imaging with scanning probe microscopy methods. Any combination of the techniques above is a big step forward for nano-scale characterization of materials and bio-systems. Combined information and scientific-research here will include: multi-probe nanosale analysis (combined topographic, mechanical, electrical and optical properties at nano-scale), redefined understanding of product functionality, upgraded mapping of chemical composition at nano-scale across sample surfaces, more efficient detection of substances at nano-scale (e.g. gunshot powder residues of the smallest amount), improved understanding of bio-functionality and better understanding of in-vitro and in-vivo dynamics by topographic and optical nanoscopy.