CALT is based on the existing knowledge and technical expertise of researchers, and partly on the already existing scientific infrastructure, in the field of light-matter interaction at the Institute of Physics (IFZg) in Zagreb. IFZg is the leading scientific research institution in the field of laser-based research in Croatia.
The main goal of the project is to improve, upgrade and develop new research infrastructure based on advanced laser techniques at the Institute of Physics. For this purpose, the entire first wing of IFZg will be entirely reconstructed to adapt to the modern demands of scientific research. After this stage it will be equipped with the state-of-the-art scientific equipment based on advanced laser and optical systems. This will provide an environment for successful and functional implementation of activities of CALT, which will be established at the Institute. Planned activities of the Centre include:
- scientific research (research, development and innovation),
- education and training (student seminars, theses, dissertations),
- providing service to users (use of equipment, professional development).
The research field of light-matter interaction has been recognized as a strategic goal and the focus of interest of researchers at IFZg. At the same time it gathers interest of a large number of researchers in Croatia, not only from the natural sciences, but also biomedical, technical and applied sciences. Beside providing new breakthroughs in the field of fundamental research, this center has great potential for innovations and development of new technological solutions. Moreover, we foresee CALT’s synergic potential which could bring together researchers and innovators from various fields of science and technology, and boost interdisciplinary research, not only in Croatia but also in the region.